Friday, December 30, 2011

Big Hair

20 x 16 oil and collage on s/c
I really like these warmer colors. I should use them more often.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pink Wig #2 - SOLD

20 x 16 oil and collage on s/c
 unframed SOLD

Click here for demo

I am heading to Florida here a few weeks to do a few shows in the Naples/Ft. Myers area in February. I'm feeling the crunch. I have some beautiful frames 20x16, and I couldn't let them go to waste. This image had already been worked out in a smaller version. I felt it only right (given the circumstances) to do "Pink Wig" for one of those frames. Today I will start another under the same circumstances. :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Orange Coat - SOLD

7 x 5 collage and oil on board
$75 s&h 8. SOLD

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pink Veil - SOLD

20 x16 collage and oil on s/c
I read somewhere that in order to be productive and get things of importance done, you have to get done first the most unsavory of tasks. You can't keep putting that one off. In other words "eat the frog". This painting was my frog. As much as I wanted to start another painting I had to eat this frog first, and I'm glad I did.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pale Green Shirt - SOLD

7 x 5 collage and acrylic on board

This went through many stages of color and value choices. When the colors of the photo and my collage paper choices conflict (which they always d0), I like to develop my palette based on the paper which leads to made up color which leads to a lot of that works, that doesn't work. Many times working from a black and white photo can be easier.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Large Lapels - SOLD

7 x 5 acrylic and collage on board
Ideally I like to keep as much of the paper showing as possible. Even if towards the end of the painting I have painted over much of it, it has dictated my color choices throughout. One choice leads to another.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Flowered Frock SOLD

7 x 5 acrylic and collage on board

Tip: When working with acrylics, one must remember to cover up one's paint before making lunch for one's nephew and running him off to a friend's or else one's paints will dry up and be useless.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Static Electric - SOLD

7 x 5 collage, acrylic and pastel on board
I wanted to keep this one relatively simple. I used only one piece of paper for the background and kept the palette somewhat simple. I used this opportunity to use pastel and then the electricity started to happen.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Head Band and Frock - SOLD

7 x 5 acrylic and collage on board.

I'm staying at my sister's watching her teenage son and dog while she is away for a conference. My acrylic paints happened to be at her house, so instead of packing up my oils I decided to use my acrylics and possibly embellish with my precious pastels. This painting, however, I did not do that. Maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oversize Sweater - SOLD

7 x 5 oil and collage on board
I was pushin' that orange/pink/red thing. (So unlike me.) Thanks Myra.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Paper Before Paint

I will be away from my studio (space) for about a week, but still will paint while away. I decided to get a jump on the paintings I will do - one less thing. Since I had all these prepped and ready, I figured I'd show ya'll how most of these paintings start out.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Flowered Blouse -SOLD

8 x 6 collage and oil on s/c
This painting developed relatively quickly. I'm grateful I was standing while doing it. Once I stepped back I realized I was almost finished.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

White Scarf Collar - SOLD

16 x 12 oil and collage on board


This painting started off as fairly monotone (maybe duo tone). Then by chance I spied a painting on a cover of a book while out buying glue. I came home and looked up the artist, Kelly Rae Roberts. She is a fabulous collage artist with a great sense of color. She inspired me to spice up this painting.